My Speech

There is a pivotal  moment in everybody’s life where they can change from the person they are to the person they want to be.  It doesn’t really matter what it is you want to be stronger ,smarter , taller or simply change a habit. Its your life why waste it.  for me the issue is procrastination   I used to cruised through life effortlessly not really trying I did everything the night  before it was due putting myself under a lot of unnecessary stress and/or pressure .this was all before I moved to Wanaka.

Wanaka changed me . In Wanaka everything was different I didn’t know anyone, the teaching was different, they way the classes work was different,  I remember my first class, going in to Maori I  had done some Maori at my school but i was not skilled . The Maori teacher to start of the day usually asks a question to everyone so as  he was going down the roll i was doing the alphabet in my head waiting for Holmes. when he asked me I had no idea what he said everyone was watching me, i was  a dear stuck in head lights I could feel the piecing stares from everyone in the room. I answered with the first thing that came to me which was Good but obviously in Maori. what he asked me is still unknown to this very day all I know is that i don’t want to be that situation again. After the first day of school I was tired and done with school I made a decision . Help myself out study and actually learn try my hardest or   cruise as I did at my own school you see at my old school I cruised through life not really doing anything trying in English or in any other subject i wouldn’t really do much  i used to be the guy in group assignments who didn’t do work really just slacked off, I relied upon others I never really did anything for myself I was just there not excelling wasn’t falling. I was either going to be the same guy at this school or was i going to be different I decided on the latter.

That decision in my life changed me. I thought it was the pivotal point in my life.  I have had so many opportunities to slip back into my old habits   for instance this speech I procrastinated on it even though I am talking about how I changed my life I still do, I honestly didn’t know what I was going to do for this speech there was a lot of choices and I didn’t know but then when I finally stopped my procrastination i chose to do my speech on how you influence your self and stuff like I personally I didn’t really like it so I slowly started to steer away from that speech and started to head towards the one that you’re all hearing today. While I was writing  this amazing speech you’re all hearing now I realized that It doesn’t have to be a moment that changes your life because it wasn’t just that decision that made me stop my procrastination it was that and all the little decision afterwards all the little choices . we all make choices ,decisions and gestures. They are all as important as the decision I made the night of my first day of school. these things make up who we are our are going to be in the future and who we are now.. Instead of There is a pivotal  moment  in everybody life where they can change from the person they are to the person they want to be Quoted by Charlie Holmes this quote is more suitable  Every decision is a pivotal moment no matter how minuscule It will change your direction to the future. 

Every decision is a pivotal choice that will effect your life. If i had chosen to go with the other speech or I chose if I chose to cruise this would have effected me  greatly because I wouldn’t be in the same position I am today. I’m glad i am because this speech taught me about myself  and hopefully taught all of you a lesson about yourself.

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